Sunday, September 18, 2005

Something's Missing

Sunny day with a perfect breeze
Riding with a pretty girl
soft sad music on the radio
Relatively good mood
considering the slight hangover

Twinkling laughter
that kidnaps me every time
Surrounded by faces on Devon
Then a sky on the ceiling
and statues by the lounge bench
A pretty girl behind me at another table
Dark hair, slender face, Moon eyes

A couple joins us
Tasty food, but little conversation
I don't know where to look
I'm in a good mood
but something's missing

A walk in Lincoln Square
A chance meeting with my friends
Laughter and conversation
I like my friends
The four of us seem in tune

A stop at a music store
Surrounded by so many CDs I want
That music store smell
We seem to be clicking

The walk home
A confusing half-argument
I'm talking Bohemian stream-of-consciousness
For a split second I remember who I want to be
I'm still in a good mood
Belly full, pretty girl at my side, and the sun on my face

But something's missing
But I'm not sure what
Something's not quite there

Something's missing
Maybe I'm not really there

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

One Sentence


One sentence can start a Chapter.

Or end a Book.

One sentence can create a Happy Beginning or a Bitter End.

It just depends on what that one sentence holds.

Be careful what you write.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Shower


Maybe a hot August night
and we want to wash away the day's sweat.

Maybe a chilly-cruel February day
and we need to warm the cold ache in our bones.

We'll step into the shower
and wash away the days worry grime fear work
and wash it all down
sharing a beer under the falling water

I'll clear Our Hair trapped in the drain
intertwined into and around each other's
to allow the water to flow better down
You'll kiss the back of my neck
and I'll give your knee a squeeze

We hold each other close
letting the water slid down our bodies
pass the bottle back and forth
sipping from it

I'll wash your hair
and you'll rub my back
as the bottle's label begins to curl at the edges
and the beaded sweat mixes with the tiny splashes spray
from you and me